I can’t stop watching porn… Where do I find porn addiction online accountability partners?
Finding accountability partners for porn addiction recovery can feel arduous. Regardless if it’s online or in person, it’s never easy to open up about what you’re going through. This is why it’s so important to find a place that connects like-minded men in a safe and growth-focused environment. Because safety is one of the most important pieces to helping people open up about porn addiction and masturbation.
If we don’t feel safe as humans, we retreat and turtle. On top of that, we need relatability – people who are on the same path or who have walked the path and made it to the other side. Safety and relatable peers are two vital components that I would encourage you to look for when considering finding porn addiction online accountability partners.
I want to share with you something I WISH was available when I was addicted to porn… I went to many years feeling alone and want to ensure my redeemed failures and hurts can help you avoid what I went through. May this resource be a blessing to you as you embark on finding safety, relatability, and truly helpful accountability in your porn addiction recovery.
We also recently released a blog if you are wondering what Are Christian Accountability Partners For Porn Recovery?
I can’t stop watching porn on my own, why is that?
After working with men 1 on 1 for the past 4 years, I was noticing something problematic in almost everyone I worked with… they lacked friendships, connections, and routines. To be able to quit porn, you really do need all 3 of these. Friendships are like oxygen to the soul, connection is the true opposite of addiction and routines help men stay on track until their minds, brains, and bodies recalibrate. This is why I created the Secret Habit Porn Recovery Community for free.
It exists to be a safe space for Christian men to heal from porn addiction symptoms and other unwanted sexual behaviors. The goal is for men to feel safe, secure, and confident that they are loved, seen, and cared for at all times. Having a porn addiction online accountability partners community is the foundation for a successful recovery from pornography and we believe in it whole heartily! And our passion is to see men become confident, healthy, and free to engage in the world around them while advancing as healthy fulfilled followers of Jesus Christ.
9 ways this community will help find accountability partners and recover from porn addiction
- It’s a Safe Space To Share Your Struggles, Wins, and Questions With Like-Minded Men
As I said before, we all need safety and relatability in our recovery journeys. What better place to find that than a safe and private community with men who also want to quit porn and experience sexual integrity? Inside the community you will be able to chat, comment, post, ask, meet and so much more. It’s such a great way to find other men who are looking for the exact thing you’re looking for.
“You’re 66% more likely to hit your goals when you do it with a few friends”
- Complimentary Recovery Navigator Call with Shawn
When you join the community, you will receive a personal message from one of our moderators (sometimes it may even be me!) with a welcome message and a link to book a recovery navigator call with Shawn. This is a personal touch we offer to create safety, connection, and opportunities for everyone to get immersed in the Secret Habit culture. The call itself is to help you navigate the community, understand your point A and point B and help you get there with a few options (free and paid). What’s the difference between porn addiction online accountability partners and recovery groups?
- Expert Insight from Shawn and other Moderators
It’s not every day you get 24/7 access to an expert in the scope of porn addiction recovery. I am a certified husband material coach, sexual addiction mentor, and inner child recovery specialist. Myself, along with our moderators are active in the community daily during office hours and offer expert insights when questions arise.
- Free Access To “The 3 Essential Steps To Quitting Porn” Virtual Course
Because I want you to have some quality content to digest regardless if you become a client, I am offering my 3-step video course completely free. Here you will learn about becoming curious, consistent, and confident in your porn addiction recovery. When you can master these 3 steps, you will be equipped and well on your way to sobriety from your porn addiction. This course used to be $49 CDN but is now available free for all members of the community
Grab total access to the “3 Essential Steps To Quitting Porn” Now
- Free Access To The “Creating a Sexual Template” Virtual Course
This free 6-part video course has a special place in my heart. I teach the exact steps I took to overcome Erectile Dysfunction and reclaim confidence in my sex life with my wife. The content I offer in this course is worth thousands of dollars to anyone who is struggling with erections… That is NOT a fun place to be in… I decided about a year ago to offer this course for only $49 CDN but have since done something even crazier… it is now available for free to all of the members in the community.
Grab total access to the “Creating a Sexual Template” Now
- Podcast Episodes, Blogs, and Special Content are Posted Weekly
By being a part of our community, you will get weekly notifications right to your email or phone when I release new content. Every week you will see a new podcast episode, blog, and special insights from my approaches as a full-time porn addiction recovery group coach. The special content is what draws a ton of attention from the members and gets guys talking, connecting, and growing each week.
- Free Access To Zoom Calls for Support, Prayer, Encouragement, and Training.
Up until now, you have seen some great offers from inside the community, but it’s all done without eye-to-eye interaction. It’s all great, but there’s something really important, even virtually, about getting face-to-face with the men in the community. We do this by offering monthly live training to dig into pertinent topics pertaining to porn recovery, as well as a monthly prayer meeting to open up space for the movement of God’s spirit.

Both of these meetings are done over zoom as a regular call so everyone can see each other and interact. This is where men really develop relationships with one another and find accountability partners to help them grow from call to call.
- No Ads or Distractions When Using The Community
Say goodbye to social media and hello to Mighty Networks! Thai amazing software enables us to run a high-quality, interactive, and engaging community all without Facebook, Instagram, or Linkedin. That means that you won’t have any temptations, ads, or distractions keeping you from focusing on the reason you hopped online in the first place. This is HUGE for anyone in porn addiction recovery… what you focus on will grow. May you make it something important and helpful!
- Available on Desktop & Mobile App
Mighty Networks has made it so we can offer the Secret Habit community from your desktop and from the mobile app. That way you can connect and engage from whatever device you like best and are always one click away from getting support when you need it most. This really breaks down any barriers and makes the community highly accessible to almost anyone.
In conclusion
When you’re asking the fundamental question: “I can’t stop watching porn on my own, how do I find the right community and help?” it is crucial to remember that you need to feel safe and related in order to find quality porn recovery, accountability partners. Most men do not feel this way… They struggle to find safety, relations, and connection and it comes out in the stats we see where 70% of Christian men struggle with porn… It’s time to take a leap of faith and trust what has been trusted by so many others. Porn Addiction Online Accountability Partners Free Secret Habit community is a safe place full of like-minded men who want your best… even better, I’m there and I 100% want your best!
If you’re wanting to start your recovery, if you’re 2 weeks sober, 2 years sober, or someone who wants to give back to men struggling with porn, then join the community today. It’s a safe place full of like-minded men overflowing with value for you to enjoy. I’m excited to see you there.