Are you dating a girl that you love but are worried that your porn addiction will ruin the relationship? Do you want to quit porn but feel overwhelmed with how?
Dating can be a thrilling time. Full of new emotions, desires and joy… However, having porn enter the picture can be so painful. If thats where you’re at right now, then you may be feeling the shame and guilt that can ensue. Being addicted to porn while in a relationship can bring up all sorts of fears, pressures and assumptions, making it impossible to really grow the relationship. If you have been caught watching porn by your girlfriend then its time to learn what it takes to quit porn, rebuild trust and find freedom. Let me give you some context and a few things that we believe will help you do that.
What porn addiction is doing to your relationship behind the scenes:
What porn addiction is doing to you – You may find that your expectations towards what your partner “should do” have become skewed. The way that you see people, and also act around them will change as you progress with porn. This all comes from a corruption of the heart and mind – you start to see the world through the lens of a porno film… Unfortunately, porn is not an isolated problem. It truly affects everything about you. It harms your brain, corrupts your mind, and hinders your body.
What porn addiction is doing to her – In this society, most of us know porn is a struggle that could be in any relationship. When there is an addiction that gets found out, it takes your girlfriend on an emotional roller coaster. It creates insecurity, a lack of trust, and a feeling of disrespect. This is why honesty before and in dating is so important. The really sad part is that she will likely blame herself for not being “good enough” and that is the reality of how corrosive porn is. When a woman is blindsided by her partner’s porn addiction, she realizes that she is in a relationship with someone she doesn’t truly know. This for a woman is devastating and often leads to her putting up walls and guarding parts of her that are intimate and precious. When this happens, the relationship suffers and this quote becomes so real, “Where secrets are present, intimacy is absent”.
What porn addiction is doing to your relationship right now – An intimacy disorder forms when you’re addicted to porn. Meaning that you do not know how to appropriately experience intimacy and attachment without sexualizing it or becoming co-dependent. The reality is, relationships are built on intimacy, trust, and safety. All 3 of these are harmed and hindered by your struggles with porn and thats tragic. Women are especially sensitive to emotional connection and for that to be hindered due to an addiction to porn is something to be very mindful of. Your relationship CANNOT thrive without the fundamental building blocks and porn simply does not allow those to develop.
What porn addiction will do to your relationship in the future – The future of a relationship is rather bleak when a porn addiction is discovered. Not to say that things can’t change… that’s my story, and I am so grateful for it! When I see it’s “bleak” what I mean is that even if you guys stay together, if things don’t change, the “bleakness” will be in the form of a relationship that is stagnant and stuck in survival mode. The future doesnt hold much hope or joy to be had when theres no signs of change. Ultimately, porn will rob you of sexual intimacy, emotional connection and physical closeness… 3 things that really make a relationship exciting and unified.