Seek Health and Freedom From Porn, Not Just Recovery

Shawn Bonneteau Porn Addiction Coach

Written by Shawn Bonneteau

August 30, 2019

seek health and freedom from porn

Freedom from porn is so much more than just sobriety…


There is a major difference between one who has “sobriety” and one who is experiencing health and freedom from porn.


Example #1: The “Dry Drunk” is the one who has recovered because he found sobriety: 

This person may have been sober for say 20 years BUT still calls himself an “addict”. Let’s use an alcoholic for an example here – The reason they would still say “I am an addict” is that the moment they get a drop of alcohol on their tongue they would be right back to their destructive drinking habits. The reason for this is they have deeper problems than just drinking alcohol. The problem goes as deep as our root wounds and sometimes that is much deeper than we may want to go… 


Example #2: “healthy” is the one who seeks total internal and external freedom from porn: 

This person would be the one who was willing to do the deep work to get into their root wounds and heal from the inside out. They move past avoiding the habit and move into finding out why they seek the habit in the first place. This is what builds the foundation to becoming a healthy, aware, and forward-focused individually who is on their way to total health and freedom from porn, not just sobriety.


Understanding root wounds:

It may not be the most obvious example but onions are a great comparison here: Like onions, humans have many layers to their emotional self. You may think that our physical porn habit is the problem when truthfully, the issue may be that your Father never said “I love you” and was always working. Deep issues such as this can lead you to feel unloved, abandoned and even worthless. These are the very emotions and incidents that would drive someone to seek porn and other addictions. When this is the case, you need to get “beneath the layers” and work on what’s really bothering you and causing you to act out… Because if you dont, you will simply be left to avoid the habit and find sobriety when total health and freedom are 100% available to you!


3 tips to move from sobriety to experiencing health and freedom from porn


#1: Making intentional time for “self-care”

Check out this blog I wrote on self-care to help you begin to implement it in your recovery disciplines. This will certainly be a game-changer and something that can single handily lead to greater clarity and healing on your journey to freedom.


2 – Learn how to get into your heart, not just your head: 

To be able to truly heal, you need to learn how to get into what is driving your addiction and desires to numb. Ask yourself questions such as:

  • What am I running from right now?
  • What am I trying to numb with porn?
  • What am I feeling that causes me to clock out?

These answers will lead you to a place of awareness, which then leads you to a decision to make… Do you want to truly heal? Because if you do, then then the work you are going to have to do will require some depth. It’s time to take this to the next notch and begin asking questions that get below the surface, into the difficult times of your life.


#3: Find a porn addiction coach to help you break through the roadblocks: 

To use the same brain that got you into your addiction to try and get out of it seems a bit crazy does it not? Well, it is… It’s actually a paraphrased definition of insanity 


A Mentor is someone much greater than an accountability partner. Having someone to truly guide you to where they have been is going to be key to this journey to total health and freedom. To have someone who knows the common emotional issues, the practical steps, the twists and turns, and most of all, the result that you are seeking will be the exact piece to this puzzle that you need.


A mentor can be someone you know through your Church, a local organization, or even a friend that you look up to – Just make sure they have walked the walk and can help you through your journey. 


Secret Habit is here to help you find freedom from porn:


We offer All in One coaching for porn addiction. We know what it’s like to not know where to go for help. If you don’t have a mentor or a guide in your life, consider reaching out to us, we would love to help you get to where you want to go – experiencing health and freedom from porn!


A Coach is someone much greater than an accountability partner. Having someone to truly guide you to where they have been is going to be key to this journey to total health and freedom.

To have someone who knows the common emotional issues, the practical steps, the twists and turns, and most of all, the result that you are seeking will be the exact piece to this puzzle that you need.

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